Every good investment requires ongoing maintenance to get the most out of it and search engine optimisation (optimization) is no exception. The hiring of an SEO company is a crucial, necessary and important part of any SEO marketing strategy. In order to get the most out of your marketing budget and the best value for money from your investment it is absolutely essential that you not only implement all of the suggestions that your SEO expert has made but that you also focus on continuous website SEO activities and strategies.
There are a few easy steps that businesses can take to maximise their online SEO marketing investment.
Competitive Keyword Analysis
Keyword selection is a continual process and your list of keywords should always be growing, expanding and refined. Your professional SEO expert will use keyword research tools to check whether the keywords you are targeting still relevant to your website and business. They will also check for any high traffic keywords that relate to your business that you may be missing out on so that you have the opportunity to capitalise on them.
Keyword Research consists of analysing your website as well as doing an analysis of your top competitors sections.
Creating New Content
It is now even more important than ever to create new content that is fresh and original, due to the launch of Google Caffeine. An SEO expert can show you how to write keyword rich content for your website. You should always be on the lookout for opportunities to add new and fresh content to your website. The content could be media releases, articles, blog entries, testimonials, seasonal offers, competitions etc.
On Page Optimisation
On page optimisation is another very important element of SEO and a professional SEO company can do a SEO Health Check or Audit to determine what needs to be changed or updated. These can includes, optimised title tags and headings, keyword rich anchor text, optimised meta descriptions, optimised alt tags on images, correct file name structures, SEF urls and more.
Link Building Strategy
Link Building is an important part of SEO and a good SEO company will tailor a link building strategy for your online business that will provides links back to your site from other trustworthy and relevant websites. It is up to you to not only maintain and audit your link portfolio but also to grow and increase it. The kind of strategies they may use could be blogs posts, participating in forums and social networking.
Getting the absolute best SEO results always requires an ongoing commitment. At The SEO Factory, our Business Analysts have had years of experience, knowledge and expertise so if you would like us to help you with your SEO marketing strategies and improve your return on investment please give us a call.